What I learned from my friend John is that he must now turn
this in to the Scottish government.
Apparently (and please, someone correct me if I have this wrong), anyone
who finds any artifact that is pre-Victorian is required to hand over the item
to the treasure trust. To be fair, the
person will be compensated for the item at its perceived value. In this case, John believes he will receive
somewhere in the realm of 1,200 pounds (just a shade under $2,000) from the government
for his find.
My father enjoys using his metal detector, especially near
old schools, homesteads, and churches.
He has found a plethora of treasures, yet they are mostly contextual
treasures, unlike John’s actual treasure (I’m rightly or wrongly basing this on
monetary value). He’s certainly found
some old coins, including one from the 1820’s that is a prized discovery. He’s also dug up three Civil War minie balls
in Georgia along Sherman’s march to the sea.
Again, treasures for us over in the US, but still 500 years younger than
this coin my friend John discovered.
My dad brought out his metal detector with the kids at the
cottage in Interlochen right before we left for our trip. To all our surprise, they actually found some
relics of the past in the yard by the lake.
Their collection included 40-some cents (in a variety of coins dating
all the way back to 1965!) and an old belt buckle. The kids were amazed by how old the things
were that we found.
Boy do I feel silly
thinking about that in our current Scottish context. We found something from 1965 and considered
it old. John found something from
1300. Context means everything, doesn’t
it? The US government did not demand
back the dime from the 1960s, nor would it pay me any more than 10 cents for it
if I gave it to them.