Sunday – August 19, 2012
again spent a great day in Kirriemuir in Angus.
This morning we attended worship at the Old Parish Kirk in Kirri to
enjoy Malcolm leading worship. His
sermon title? “If Jesus had been born in
Scotland, would he have used (scotch) whisky for communion?” Fantastic title and even better sermon to
follow. After worship, we headed out to
something we never thought we’d have the pleasure of seeing – a sheepdog trial
by the hotel up Glen Clova. The joke, of
course, about whether or not the dog was found guilty was not lost on us. Actually, the trial was amazing. Here’s generally what happened:

You go out to a huge field with the
spectators gathered on the grass at one end (about 100 people and waiting
participants) and a group of sheep in a pen waaaaaay over on the other
The shepherd and his or her incredible
looking dog step onto the field by us.
On the map here you can see the general layout of the field.
The local competitors from
the Glen were spirited, but not nearly of the same caliber as the regional
shepherds and shepherdesses. The really
talented callers and dogs got through the course with a sense of order. The locals?
Hilarious. One guy was just
great. His dog went sprinting off into
the wrong field and chased the sheep with him.
Another watched the sheep jump over a fence and exit the area. Another guy was screaming obscenities at his
dog in a very disorganized fashion.
These people made the trials for us.
It was an beautiful afternoon with good people, great food and drinks,
and some really entertaining local color (or colour, depending on where you’re
Dog doing it's job
After the trials we made our way back
to the Neverland playground.
This time,
there were dozens of kids running around on the playground enjoying the
Bryce came back to us after
playing alone for a few minutes and said no one would play with him.
We told him to go back out there and ask
someone if they would like to play and see what happens.
He went up to the first little boy of equal
height who looked at him up and down and said, “Sure.”
Bryce jumped up and down and ran back to us
saying, “He wants to play with me!
wants to play with me.”
Meanwhile, the
friend headed into the playground so we told Bryce to hurry up back over to
They played great together for the
next hour.
It was pretty funny to watch
the little Scottish boy chase after Bryce yelling, “Friend!
Friend, come back here and play!”
They chased each other around and had a ball.
At one point, Bryce came over to us with a
bag of Hula-Hoop crisps that his friend gave him.
We told him to give them back to the little
boy but the friend said, “That’s all right.
I hate those crisps anyway.”
Bryce then responded, “Hear that!
I can have them!
I can have
I wish we could all make friends
that way.
Denali has had similar experiences
here in Scotland.
You walk up to a total
stranger and say, “Hey.
Want to play
with me?”
No fear.
No nervous anxiety.
Just an honest way of saying, “I’m willing to
introduce myself to you and play if you’ll do the same.”
Way to go, kids.